Strong Communities

Indigenous Guardians programs transform lives and strengthen our communities.

The signs are everywhere: In our young people gaining job skills. In women securing flexible work that provides for their families. In elders transmitting language to younger generations.

We see it in suicide prevention programs that foster connection with the land. In improved health for guardians who are active on the land. In reduced justice costs and lower crime rates. And in more people feeling pride in our cultures and traditions.  

Guardians program especially benefit Indigenous youth. Many Indigenous young people believe they have to choose between their culture and their job prospects, between staying at home and leaving for more education. Indigenous Guardian programs offer a better choice: professional opportunity rooted in our cultural values.


“If there’s healthy people that are happy and strong in their culture, and if they receive that from being on the land, then that’s a huge investment. You are investing in a better society.”

—Kristen Tanche Dehcho K’ehodi Guardians

Researchers have documented the many benefits of Indigenous stewardship programs. In 123 rural areas in Australia, teams of Indigenous Rangers manage the land on behalf of their communities. A study conducted for the Australian Prime Minister and Cabinet found that every $1 invested in combined Indigenous Ranger and Indigenous protected area programs generates up to $3 in social, economic and cultural benefits.

The same is true in Canada. A team of Australian researchers used the same evaluation methods to examine the Lutsel K’e NiHat’ni Dene and the Dehcho K’ehodi programs and determined that Indigenous Guardians in the Northwest Territories are delivering similar results.

The analysis showed that guardians benefit by gaining increased skills, higher income, better health and wellbeing, and greater pride and cultural knowledge. And communities benefit by gaining more participation in self-governance, greater awareness of land use, better management of cultural assets, more role models for young people and reduced crime rates.

Sustained and adequate federal funding will expand these benefits to more communities across the country.