The Land Needs Guardians campaign is part of a larger movement growing up from the land—from youth, elders, guardians, and a new generation of leaders.
The Land Needs Guardians campaign builds on the enthusiasm and strength growing up from the land. We are helping generate long-term support for Indigenous Guardians programs and Indigenous stewardship.
The campaign is organized by The Indigenous Leadership Initiative to draw attention to the growing guardians movement. The Indigenous Leadership Initiative is dedicated to strengthening Indigenous Nationhood for the fulfillment of Indigenous responsibility to lands. The Indigenous Leadership Initiative works with dozens of First Nations to support stewardship and foster a new generation of Indigenous leaders.
The campaign is guided by principal partners, including Indigenous Guardians programs and First Nation governments. The Assembly of First Nations passed a resolution of support calling for a national guardians program.
The campaign also works with conservation organizations and other allies. The Indigenous Leadership Initiative is a lead partner in the International Boreal Conservation Campaign, for instance, and the boreal campaign supports the vision of Land Needs Guardians