Explore the links below for news, features, opinion pieces and blog posts about Indigenous Guardianship.
Australia Makes a Huge Investment in Indigenous-led Conservation, Canada Can Too
We can deliver the same benefits in Canada through Indigenous Guardians programs and Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCA). But as the Australian example confirms, it takes sustained support. With long-term funding, Indigenous Nations will strengthen our communities, care for lands across the country and help Canada meet international conservation commitments.
Lessons from Down Under: Supporting Indigenous Stewardship
Indigenous Guardians care for lands we love on behalf of our Nations. With more support, we can expand this work across the country. Canada can look to Australia for a model of how sustained investment in Indigenous stewardship benefits lands and people.
Campaign Launches to Celebrate and Support Indigenous Guardians
The Land Needs Guardians campaign will build on the enthusiasm and strength growing up from the land. It will generate broad support for and long-term investments in Indigenous Guardians programs and Indigenous stewardship.